OurSpace GreenSpace

How you take care of your space directly affects our streets, yards and waterways.

Every year, urban runoff full of toxins from our neighborhood makes its way into the
river, overflowing sewers and storm drains along the way. Want to know what you can do to help alleviate this problem that affects us all?

By planting native
vegetation and disconnecting rain downspouts, along with other minor adjustments to your home and yard, urban runoff can be measurably reduced, enhancing watershed quality and making OurSpace a GreenSpace.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yum! - Hold the pesticides please.

"In a February 2006 Occupational and Environmental Health study, home and garden insecticide use during pregnancy and childhood was associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia. Homeowners often apply chemicals and then track them indoors, where long-term exposures to children and pets are likely."


Jess Willard said...

That's a brilliant article and great picture!